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Thursday 18 June 2020

Sex as Function - (3643)

From an esoteric perspective sex is seen to be more a function. 

What is important to the esoteric perspective is the energy and the elevation of that energy into higher levels of Being. 

Sex is used to produce a shock that helps elevate that energy to a higher level. 

Most of the work of maintaining that new elevation, and preparing for a new shock of elevation is done within the person themselves, in their psychological work along side their devotion.

From the current society perspective, sex is seen as more than a function. It is almost offensive to people with the common view of society, to consider sex as a function. Sex is 'the spice of life' they say not a function. The sphere of sex can increase and even can become a way of life, an identity, a defining characteristic, in fact many lifestyles are built around it. In this day, this is very easy to see. 

With fascination and identification a thing takes on a state that is much bigger than it really is. The classical example of "making a mountain out of a molehill". Identification exaggerates and veers away from the real, where the real is seen as disappointing or scary.

When there is fascination or identification the view taken is not trustworthy as being true.

A way of life was first a recurrence that later became a habit that later became a way of life.

When something is a life style we are in "hook line and sinker". 

The esoteric view is one of freedom and the societal view is one of being trapped. 

Being in the esoteric or the common societal all has to do with will. In the higher there is the will to be free and in the lower there is the will to need.

To effect a real change, a transmutation of will is required and this is difficult as the will in every aspect of ourselves is always strong. Will is strength. But with will it can be done. 

To transform will one needs a higher purpose. 

To transform 'need' to freedom is the question. The consciousness helps by cutting away the false, showing the real, revealing the higher and the way to shift to the higher.

In this case, of transforming 'need' to freedom, the key is making the esoteric view the new ‘need'. In the esoteric view, in the reaches of the Being freedom is found.

Energy follows will. Where we direct our will to, our energy will flow to. If our will is to the lower, our energy will flow there and activate and powerfully engage the lower. If will is to the higher it will flow there and infuse with the higher and start blending us into the higher. 

End (3643).

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