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Tuesday 28 July 2020

Connecting to Reality Gives Will Power - (3739)

We may be so upset feeling we lack will power.

Well it is not as hard as we think.

We mostly have no problem getting up to go to work in the morning do we?

This is because we are connected to a certain reality. 

That reality is that we have bills to pay, people to support, rent to pay, we need to eat... No one is going to deliver food at our door three times a day, no one will pay our bills, our co-workers can't be expected to do our work for us. It is hard reality that we need to work, so we get up! The will to get up, rush, drive, face stressful traffic, go to work etc. comes to us and we act.

The same thing spiritually, we lack will because we are not really connected to our psychological or spiritual reality.  we are not connected enough. 

Master Samael says that when someone experiences the illuminating void they become hot, very ardent and work furiously for the path. This is because they were connected to their esoteric reality.

So if we lack will power we must connect deeper to our psychological and esoteric reality.

One point of connection is to realise that time is running and if we don;t act to dissolve the ego we are going to be stuck with forever and to face that is disheartening and disappointing plus very painful.

End (3739).

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