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Tuesday 28 July 2020

Defeatism: Poisoned Chalice - (3736)

This is a serious issue.

What is it really? What is defeatism?

We can define it intellectually, almost academically, but in the reality of the effects we feel due to it, we can say it is something like a poison.

Drinking it all up we like poison ourselves. We end up going against our own essence.

We, with our own hands, feet, body, mind and heart created the ego and if we created it we can undo it.

We have an interior divinity that has everything, will, power, intelligence, consciousness which is good enough to undo what it created. Why can't we do it if all that we need is there, just for us to use it.

Defeatism believes that we can't do it, that we won't make it, that we are unworthy, that we are not intelligent, enough, energetic enough, powerful enough, preserving enough and it goes on and on.

All these reason if we look at them are excuses, evasions, they are not real reasons, in truth putting those excuses aside we can certainly do something.

Don't drink from defeatism. Don't believe in it. It takes your faith, your power away.

Defeatism is a major causes of laziness. 

I mentioned in a previous post that laziness is about avoiding work. 

When we are lazy we avoid work because the defeatism in us makes us to not have any faith in that we can go to the path or work inn dissolving the ego or that we can transmute our energies.

Faith solves laziness.

Defeatism ribs us of faith and if we are robbed of faith we are robbed of power, which is mostly will.

Separating from defeatism and laziness we do something for our path and on our path even if we are married or not, old or young, well or unwell.

It is really wise to not even say that aloud or even think that we can't do the work. Don't say it to ourselves and don't say it to anyone. We have to get tough with this thing to send it far away from ourselves.

End (3736).

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