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Wednesday 22 July 2020

Elements Natural Suffering Guide - (3724)


Nature through Her elements has Her way of dealing with our sufferings.

Water as in a flowing river carries our sufferings away.

Fire as it rises and expands consumes and transforms our sufferings into cinders.

Air as in swift gusts of wind dissipates and blows our sufferings away.

Earth patiently crushes our sufferings, absorbing and diminishing them until they are of little effect.


Each of us within our nature have these elements, and the abilities that these elements have to deal with our sufferings.

Most of this natural intelligence is programmed into our instinctive centre, and through our instinctive centre this intelligence operates.

By our star sign we have a natural tendency to lean towards on one or more of the four elements over others.

Have a check if this is true for you. Each start sign has an element.

The intelligence of water is to let go of suffering, let life flow and greet life anew, with a new inner state, flowing ever on like a stream. 

The intelligence of fire is to live the suffering intensely, living it all out, leaving it empty, leaving there no more to suffer. Done with that!

The intelligence of air is to blow it up, deal with it in the open air, see through it all in detail, know it thoroughly to the bottom honest truth, and then discard it to the wind. 

The intelligence of Earth is to patiently hold it, allowing reflection, which then allows transforming, assimilating and slowly adapting it into its nature. Overcoming it and changed/bettered for the effort of doing that. 


As the elements can deal with suffering in their way, they can by duality retain and amplify suffering in their way also.

Earth signs often hold suffering for way too long where it festers. They often don't say anything and just grin and bear it for a long time. They are famous for holding grudges and resentment. This holding makes them angry and if they don;t transform it, they just explode, i.e. vomit it all out.

Those of the air speak out a lot, can be demanding in following out the line of the thinking to their mental satisfaction, they can also be so changeable like the wind with their thoughts, and can be swift and volatile like the wind with their word.

Those of fire can be dramatic, exaggerate, make a huge angry scene where they can go to battle head on. Jolt and hit a few people and suffer a lot especially when noble causes and actions are contravened.

The water, well they cry, tears, go silent, sending things down deep - feeling very hurt and but yet apparently ok on the surface. Like water they are sensitive and take things too deeply, instead of flowing it on.

End (3724).

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