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Sunday 5 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: A Week - (3668)

I am not awakened. I think if one aspires to awaken like we all do in Gnosis, it is natural that we want work to help us awaken.

I don't think anyone can deny that fantasy is something that blocks our awakening.

We have been told the awakened people don't fantasise. They don't dream.

I honestly think that it is safe to say that until we enter the third state of consciousness: self-consciousness we are all dreaming, to varying degrees of course.

Master Samael says that a person is close to waking up when one realises how asleep they are.

Fantasy is so prevalent, so so much of it. An almost an overwhelming amount. So I am going to dedicate this week to working on it and posting all about it. 

The work on it will continue but after the week is up, and during the week  I'll vary the posts otherwise it will get very boring.

End (3668).


  1. Is fantasy an ego itself? or is it just the process of different egos using imagination and projection?
    IE. Lust using imagination is fantasy.

    The reason I’m asking is how do we combat fantasy? Can we eliminate it or just the underlying egos? Or maybe we can’t eliminate fantasy like an ego we just have to be vigilant to not fall into those states?

  2. G'day G! There is a ego of fantasy yes. Also ego ego has its fantasy, because each ego has desire and to compensate for the unfilled desire, it uses fantasy. This applies to lust and any other ego.

    You are right in the sense that at first we can only be vigilant. Then as we eliminate each ego the fantasy of ego ego will go also. Also as the consciousness wakes up more and more it will eliminate it totally.
