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Monday 13 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: An Ancient Adversary - (3700)

People are caring more for the floors these days - band-aids everywhere.

Golly josh, fantasy has been with human beings for more than centuries, for more then millennia. It is the cloud that has engulfed the consciousness of human beings, affecting their mental processes from the most ancient of times. Only ever to produce in them suffering.

Now in this time that we are learning about awakening, it is our battle to defeat it, to leave it by the way side. Exposing it in the light of our consciousness so that we can see for ourselves what it really is.

Human beings have lived with it for ages not knowing what it really is. They have been following it, been entertained by it, believed in it, acted because of it, dreamed because of it, failed because of it, remained asleep because of it, suffered daily moment by moment because of it...

It has always been there colouring falsely and distorting our thinking.

To defeat it is a really tremendous task, but a super worthy one.

It is what contributes to our sleeping state of consciousness and it is all the opposite of awakening.

If we defeat it, it can only reserve for us more awakening. How can we refute that?

End (3700).

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