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Sunday 12 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: When People Get Fed Up of Fantasy - (3701)

When we get fed up of useless fantasy that is good or bad.

If we are working on ourselves it is good because we are ready to step out of it and step more into being present. Soon we will follow through and do this more and more - be more present with less fantasy.

If we are not working on ourselves and the fantasy is not really good that can be dangerous depending on the person. Because the person will start to try and make the fantasy real which could be very harmful to themselves and others.

Of course the best thing would be that the person wakes up and drops the fantasy but if they do not wake up it is better that they stay in fantasy, especially if it is dangerous. 

For example, the person who fantasises and fantasises about a fast car, one day tired of fantasising, goes and steals one and crashes it, injuring themselves and others, during a police chase. 

Sometimes for the sleeping person fantasy is best. Only really the people awakening can handle all of their own forces.

But anyway eliminating fantasy makes sense for those aspiring to awaken.

End (3701).

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