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Tuesday 7 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: Identify Hierarchy - (3675)

Doing this - identifying the fantasy hierarchy is very useful. 

Why? Because it will help us to order our work on fantasy. It will help us to be more efficient.

We will create a map of what to target. We will have a battle plan drawn up. No general goes to war without a plan or some kind of strategy. Divide and conquer is the most common strategy that always gives results.

The same old fantasies that appear, the particular same old ones are at the top. They are mostly like getting into the habit status.

What egos are behind that type of fantasy? To combat those fantasies we have to work the ego behind it. To work specifically the desire of that ego. 

Also even develop the quality that the fantasy is compensating for.

As the most persistent fantasy is worked upon others will appear. If a person works the smaller fantasies such as the following types: the 'to do' type; the 'should not have done' type; 'I wish I could' type; 'If that would have happened' type etc. by radically accepting reality we will save lots of energy and be more able to defeat the big persistent fantasy and then the others around it and behind it will appear to be worked on.

First though we must identify which are the top brass in our area of fantasy. Once we have that clear we can proceed.

End (3675).

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