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Monday 6 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: It Hurts!!! - (3678)


This is where we take the gloves off and give fantasy a good beating. 

We can bash it mercilessly because it is very strong, it will recover and it will fight back. 

The hope is that with this bashing some of the points to be raised stay within us to be used as weapons to fight it when it fights back.

The way it fights is usually by getting us off guard.

Bashing Points

✂Afterwards it hurts giving us a head ache.
✂It saps our energies. Leaving us uncreative and dull before the events of life.
✂Wastes time. 
✂Produces procrastination.
✂We lose our consciousness to absurdities.
✂Ego or egos get stronger and the fantasy habit strengthens. Vicious cycle ensues.
✂Real life becomes dull and boring.
✂We create new labyrinths in our own mind, we later have to undo.
✂We lose the moment.
✂Creates a false refuge. We comfort ourselves with fantasies only to be bitterly disappointed later on.
✂We lose ourselves as we really are.
✂We lose touch with reality.
✂We can become mentally ill and perverse.
✂We lose balance in many areas of our life.
✂We become weird, dress, talk and look weird.
✂We become introverted, always not wanting to be bothered by others so as not to be taken out of our fantasies.
✂Our priorities go astray - more into feeding fantasy.
✂It is pure stress.
✂Produces suffering! The painful fantasies do and the so-called pleasurable ones do also, as they weaken us.

End (3678).

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