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Friday 10 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: Let's Go Shopping - (3687)

When we go shopping we buy a lot of things because of fantasy.

The proof of this, is when we do buy with fantasy we don't use what we buy. It goes to waste or collects dust.

When we see something like a piece of clothing a fantasy begins, some images enter into our mind. Made up situations and scenarios. Made up uses for that piece of clothing - shirt, pants, hat, umbrella, coat, jacket etc. appear.

Seeing those images we get a feeling, that feeling comes from the fantasy, and based on the feeling, which is a fuzzy excited type of fleeting feeling, we buy the item.

We do this with so many things. Food, clothes, cars, books, electronics you name it.

Basically, the general rule is we don't buy the thing, we really buy the psychological value that the thing gives us, or in this case what the fantasy about the thing gives us, or porports to give us.

So working on fantasy saves you some money.

End (3687).

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