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Saturday 11 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: Mirage - (3694)

To know the very nature of fantasy I can't stress enough how helpful it is.

The very nature is a mirage!

If when a fantasy begins we bring our understanding that fantasy is all but a mirage, we can really help ourselves. I really mean that!

No matter: how interesting, how pleasureable, how seemingly important an issue, how painful, mournful and sorrowful, how glorious, how noble, how virtuous, how Godly, how Angelic like the fantasy is, it is still a mirage. And it will still evapourate leaving us slightly, aching, confused, disappointed etc.

A mirage looks like a saviour with promise of real respite and nourishment, but it is all shimmering vapour, not even that when you get there.

Reminding ourselves that fantasy is but a mirage, when a fantasy is rolling or is about to roll is a powerful invitation to wake up.

End (3694).

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