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Friday 10 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: Not Bored Yet? - (3691)

Getting bored of these posts? 

We go into fantasy because we lack consciousness to make the moments of our lives magical and novel.

Then we always find ourselves saying that 'no fantasy' is boring. "I can't stick to this dry, boring and sad reality".

The above is the ego talking and it is false really. If we just concentrate for a few minutes on the moment, take refuge in 'no thinking' and relax, and our consciousness will start to appear bit by bit.     

The way to dispel darkness is to bring the light, not by swinging a chair around hitting the darkness, but by bringing the light Master Samael says.

We will then see that the one that takes the magic of our life's moments away is fantasy. The false obscures the true. Never does the truth obscure the false. 

The most silly thing to do when in nature, or while travelling somehwere, is to fantasise. Then nature or the place we are visiting seems so matter a fact and so ordinary. So unrelaxing and do unrefreshing, and that is what we need - to relax. 

It is costly to live in fantasy. Actually very costly. It costs us valueable energy, head aches, bad decisions, disappointment, let downs, erroneous mental processes, stress and the list goes on.

End (3691).

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