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Thursday 23 July 2020

Keeping Continuity: Six Hour Snapshots - (3710)

My idea is that consciousness is to be continuous. In reality though it waxes and wanes. How big a difference there is between the waxing and waning is up to us. Of course, we don't want huge gaps between the two. We would like to close any huge disparities.
Here's a practice to try and keep the continuity going and reduce those lagoons of sleep and forgetfullness over the duration of our day. One day is a mini life. If we keep doing this for a day we will extend it to our whole life. Then beyond our life after death. 

The idea is to use the intervals of 6 hours. Maybe if you manage it, you can try 4 hour intervals or even two. The narrower the interval the more difficult it becomes to do it in one day and more importantly the hugely more difficult it is to keep it up long term. Even try 12 hour intervals for long term maintenance to start. 

Going by six hour intervals we have 11pm, then 5am then, 11am then 5pm. You can chose any starting point that works for you.

So at the starting point we consciosuly find ourselves, we go into self-remembering, we are our essence and then project forward with our imaginaton to find ourselves by exactly the same method in six hours time. In six hours time we are going to consciously find ourselves again as the same conscious person and then in another six hours the same and so on and so on. Until it becomes a natural and instinctive thing. We have to make being conscious instinctive and natural.

Before driving into the garage, stop, settle, no thoughts, find oneself, be conscious - start.

Wake up, shake off the sleep, recollect the moment at 11pm where we found
ourselves conscious, then go inside find ourselves again, project briefly to 11am.

The day is in motion. Much more difficult. Stop, recollect the moment at 5-6am,
find oneself again then project to 5pm.

Day is winding down, getting easier. Breathe, stop, recollect the 11am conscious moment,
find oneself conscious again and briefly link to 11pm.  

This does not imply at all that we are always doing some work on ourselves being as conscious as we can and working on the ego here and there where we can during our day and night. It is just something to keep a semblance and a bit of real organised continuity of consciosuness throughout our day that will with hope become our life! Then after our life in the beyond!

End (3710).

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