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Saturday 25 July 2020

Such a Retard! - (3728)


Have you ever said those words to yourself: "Such a retard!"?

I have, a good few times already. Daah! 😳👶

It's good to recognise and accept that we're a retard in certain areas. That means we are still not totally lost to the delusion of our arrogance and the fantasy of our false self.  

There are some things that we are so beHind in. I mean like pre-school behind. 😞

Sadly, we do find ourselves behind, and in truth I think that anyone who honestly works on themselves will find that there is really much to correct. Usually It is the sleeping people who believe that they have nothing to fix, or if they know something is wrong they don't feel like fixing anything. 

Our job is to convert retard into conscious, experienced and learned - i.e wisdom. 💪

Just something else, if we see thAt we are a bit retarded in some common areas and unexpected areas even, we can accept that others can be also, and therefore not be so critical of theM. Makes sense doesn’t it? 

Side Note

An interesting side note is, that it's no problem for us to call ourselves a retard, but if someone else says it, it can offend, of course it depends on who says it, but it defintely does not hAve the same effect as when we tell it to ourselves. Why? Because we take someone else saying that as more real! 😡

So from the work point of view if someone says you're a retard, our job is to convert that high charge of energy as efficiently as possible into real self-discovery and real change. Self-compassion blocks efficiency it uses up the impactful energy in being offended and all down about it. You feel furious you were called a retard, great mate, get furious about correcting it.


Anyway that aside, back to being a retard.

So for sure we are retarded in certain areas of life. For example, people who can't say no are retards in those lessons of life, those who are so easily offended, those who can't talk to others, those who cry all the time 😢 etc. etc. are behind in the lessons of life. 

I'm behind in a few lessons of life, for sure. In many ways those retard areas characteriZe my personality. But until I don't accept that and begin by studying, I'm going nowhere. True I wrote study, study to give you knowledge, because self-knowledge is the bridge tO understand and elimiNate. 

When we are a retard, i.e. a late learner, to go straight to elimination does not help. Study is what we need first. STUDY! We need a solid base for elimination. No solid base, and elimination will only last one afternoon. 👻

Yeap yeap, so what makes us behind? The ego is just too big in that area, and we need to start learning.

Pain the Teacher

When an ego is big the only teacher is pain 👊, because nothing else is powerful enough to get through that big fat wall of the ego to reach our essence.

Besides learning the maximum we can from our painful lessons, we have to go back to basics in that area of life. Read some books about that area, begin with very elementary observations 👀 of the ego in that area and build it up on very solid foundations. 

Talk heaps to people who are not retards in that area. In my life, I personally don't care if they are Gnostic or not, if they have that quality that I don't have I talk to them, and tactfully and politely ask all sorts of questions to aid my knowledge and help myself understand more and better.

Reflect, analyse - get as knowledgeable as possible for that to lead to comprehension and discernment, showing the pros and cons of the ego, what is ego and what is essence in that area of life. 

Comprehension will allow us to be clear about why we should change and that why, us wanting to change, have to change our way of thinking and later dissolve that ego. 💀     


Ok if we find ourselves saying: "I'm a retard". That's great news. Totally positive. The next step is just as important and it is to study - i.e. get conscious of where we are retarded, why, how, when etc. Start off with the basics. Go slow, gently but very firmly!

End (3728).

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