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Tuesday 21 July 2020

Sword or Pen, Journey or Destination - (3721)

Master M (Master Moria) in his book "Lord God of Truth Within" says that the pen is mightier than the sword.

I say the journey is more important than the destination. 

So for us doing our work or the work, we are journeying. And that is very important. The best part. The destination is just the journey ending itself.  


With an article you can incite a people to take up a cause in a short time. With a sword you can only do so much, before it turns against you. But with one article you can reach millions. Instruct thousands, leave inspiration for futures to come...

If the journey is ill, the destination will never be reached, the destination depends on the journey, the destination is just the last part of the journey. The journey is the destination. How you reach the destination, in what internal state depends on the journey. The journey holds you to the destination or makes you abandon it.

End (3721).

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