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Thursday 16 July 2020

There's No Love in Expelling the Sexual Energy - (3715)

That is the hypnotic point of this theme, thinking that there is love in expelling the sexual energy. 

There is little love in such an action. To another human being or to one's own self. The Realer love is always about the essence, from the essence and to and for the essence in others and in oneself.

I'm not going to explain more, though if one carefully reflects one will see the truth of this point. In any circumstance that a person loses their sexual energy love is not present. This may seem like radical but look and analyse for yourself. And remember the sexual energy does not have to be lost to conceive children. There is the Kriya Shakti. 

Expelling the sexual energy logically creates a void and by the laws of Nature a vacuum is not a natural occurrence, Nature Herself abhors a vacuum/void and always causes something to fill that void. By the law of duality if one quality is not present the other opposite quality must be present, in its place. When fire leaves, coldness enters... Fire is love right.

Any Gnostic knows this but for the benefit of any new readers who have not come across the study of Gnosis as yet, here is this post.

Master Samael says that when a person loses their sexual energy millions of negative atoms together with  coldness enter the body impacting, agitating and energising a large negative atom every human being has located at the base of their spine in their coccyx.

An increase in negative atoms can not bring more light or love can it?

End (3715).

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