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Friday 31 July 2020

When a Thought is not Just a Thought (it seems) - [3745]

A thought is just a thought when it flies across the screen of our mind and goes leaving no mark.

Most of our thoughts are like that.

Eventhough a thought is still a thought we believe a thought to be more than that and this kind of thought makes us worry, get frightened, panic, suffer, get angry, get agitated etc.

A thought I am going to trip over, we dismiss in seconds as a crazy thought. But when it is to touch our emotion we get rattled.

A thought is more than a thought when it touches our emotions, making it very close to action. 

Eventhough it touches our emotions it is still a ruddy thought.

I find that I have to drill that down. When we decide to see these 'more than a thought' as just a thought some things change in us and we get a bit of separation happening. 

Give it a try! The thing that works in this is due to the fact that we have not considered those 'more thoughts" as just thoughts yet.

For example the thoughts that bring us pain, if we see them as just thoughts the pain that we feel would not be that intense we would brush it off. We though don’t see the painful thoughts as just that thoughts we see them as pain-reality. But who says pain-reality exists by itself and in and of itself? It doesn’t does really it needs us to exist so it is relative. 

A lot of what makes them more than just thoughts is that we believe in them. 

Still letting them go as thoughts helps a lot.

End (3745).

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