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Monday 24 August 2020

Crystal Ball 4000 - (3801)

What date will the 4000 posts mark be hit? Have a guess, leave a comment if you wish.

Who has a crystal ball? One can calculate as such: on average 3 posts a day one or two on the weekends, that's about say 17 say a week. 196 posts left to go, 196 divided by 17 is 11 and a half weeks from today. So maybe Friday the 13th of November? A bit of an auspicious date.

But mental calculations most of the time with human beings don't follow through. One could get very inspired to 25 posts a week or one could get depressed to 2 posts a week. So the specific dates are an unknown variable for our minds. But dates do get determined and written done somewhere. Just like many of the dates in our life that have been written down already. 

If we work on ourselves, the dates of our life, if they are related to our mechanical destiny can be changed and really they do get changed or even erased. This is because we set in motion a new line of life with a new destiny.

A good lesson in Gnosis with Gnostic people especially, is that everything can change at the drop of a hat. Throw all fixed plans up into the air. The best policy is total 'going with the flow' - total adaptability! 

Especially when we relate to the masters in Gnosis, there is no way really that we can hold them or force them to a plan, they are free, they are a revolution, changing, improving, renovating... It is us that has to flow the rhythms and directions they set forth into motion, which they later change and then change back to again, but on a higher octave and so on and so on.  

End (3801).