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Monday 31 August 2020

Devil's Advocate and Objective Reason - (3809)


Master Samael says that the degrees of objective reason are shown as tridents on the horns of Lucifer.

Each of these degrees has a particular name. Master Samael in the Pistis Sophia gives the esoteric name for each degree. The highest degree is the sixth trident and it has the sacred name: Anklad.

Why Lucifer?

Because at that stage of having finished the great work the Typhon is now Lucifer because the ego has been dissolved and His function as trainer is now redundant and His new role is to bring light, which is essentially higher degrees of objective reason. 

Before being Lucifer, He is the Typhon that helps us to develop the objective reason. Basically through temptation. 

Devil's Advocate

Temptation is like the work of the devil's advocate. The Devil's advocate is a term used to describe the role of a cardinal or bishop who while a new pope is being selected has the job of bringing up all the points to oppose each candidate from being pope.

Temptation brings up all the good points of the ego and all the apparent bad points of the work and presents them together with beguiling and convincing force.


Temptation is there to entice the one under temptation into action. Before the action, temptation is encountered as a tremendous intellectual and emotion battle. This is where objective reason is born! In the fight, in the struggle. 

The power of the struggle forces one to dive deep into their own essence to find reasons from the essence itself to not fall into that temptation. Which are reasons beyond time, money, energy, convenience, inconvenience etc.

When the struggle or fight is intense, superficial, intellectual reasons from our mind even though they are very wise and totally correct just don't cut it. Reasons that are effective and sufficiently powerful  must be drawn down deep from our own essence. Because only such reasons have the power to defeat the intense temptations.

These reasons that we extract from our own essence are objective reasons.

For there to be temptation there must always be a reason to not fall into it. Temptation makes you find our very own essence-Being reasons, which are objective reasons.

Each temptation is a storm and it ends when the reason to flunk into the temptation is made void, or passes or is irrelevant or is surpassed etc. 

Vaya vaya la tentaciĆ³n.

End (3809).


  1. The degrees of objective reasoning belong to the Being right? How does the Being ascend across these degrees?

    1. Right - it belongs to the Being. The Being does the work in us. After the third mountain as death in deeper levels, for example, in memories and the residues of the egos and in conquering the mind the Being ascends in those degrees.

    2. One more thing...

      Does ascension across these degrees of objective reasoning correspond to the Being rising in the cosmic hierarchy, i.e. from angel to archangel to virtues to potencies, dominions, thrones, etc. ?

      Or is that something different?

      What comes to mind are the Thrones who threw themselves into the abyss...

    3. Those degrees of objective reason are something different. Something higher. The degrees from angel to archangel etc are acquired in the second mountain as one moves through the Labours of Hercules.

    4. Great, thanks!
