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Wednesday 26 August 2020

Eclectic and Nuanced - (3808)

Such sophisticated words. 

So is Gnosis eclectic and nuanced? No! 

Definitely not nuanced, it is as clear as day. For the person who does not see the reality of the teachings Gnosis may seem to contain several nuances relating to 'this and that' which, in the end tend to be only subjective conclusions, such as the nuance of a conspiracy ordained by the Demiurge Architect etc.

Eclectic, maybe one could see Gnosis that way, as having borrowed from several sources in its presentation. However, it itself, the knowledge, derives from one source, the same source as all the ways back to the stars have derived from: the consciousness - and that which is beyond the consciousness, the Great Reality.

This blog may be a bit eclectic and nuanced though. Hope to remove bit by bit some of the subjective  nuances.

End (3808).

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