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Wednesday 5 August 2020

Have to Know how to Suffer - (3758)

This is like bad news, we don't want to hear about this, but alas it is true, in our work we have to know how to suffer.

Why? Because we have karma to pay.

While we have karma we have to know how to suffer.

Usually when we pay karma we suffer. In paying we are humbled, we are below, we feel all sorts of disturbing emotions and presentiments, fears and losses. Working on the ego helps but doesn't until it does, the only door to walk through is the door of the suffering.

So we have to know how to suffer.

Knowing how to suffer can be helpful. More helpful than not knowing how to suffer.

Life is hard in the city, why not take an astral break during the day.

This is some way part of the solution of paying karma. When we don;t know how to suffer we prolong our suffering and karma and most of the time make it much worse.

To accept, to bring into our life to live with it, to not fight it and complain, to allow it into ourselves and allow it to transform us, to allow to drop the resistance, to drop the hate, to drop the arrogance, to jump off the high horse, understand and love our fellow man more, to know what others have suffered before us and we didn't even know, to see the great virtues in all those who have suffered, to recognise others suffer also not just us, to see the sufferings of others just as worthy and valid as ours...

To know how to suffer is also work to ease the sufferings of others. To change where we cause others to suffer.

To stop the war with reality. To look for peace is to also to know how to suffer, eventhough inside there is war raging. When we suffer it seems first it is best to create peace outside then inside.

When we know how to suffer, we suffer internally with less drama and with less noise, making peace outside but focused on hope inside for the suffering inside to ease.

With knowing how to suffer we work out how to seek solace that is not counterproductive.

To know how to suffer is to know which people to be with and how to be with people. When we are suffering to know how to use suffering to be of benefit to others and to not reject others or become short tempered with others.

To know how to laugh with others is a nice relief, when suffering people forget the benefits of a good laugh.

Really this is a profound thing. The ultimate though we can be sure of is to release and let go of our sufferings. Let go every moment. Especially when they are gone, to definitely let them go never to be remembered again, except to understand another or not make another mistake like what caused the suffering.

When we are suffering really powerful forces are being thrown, and to know how to suffer converts these forces into the ability to sacrifice which is a strong force that helps turn future tides.

Not knowing how to suffer wastes many of these powerful forces that are evoked and put into action.

End (3758).

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