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Sunday 30 August 2020

Helium Balloon Above the Abyss - (3813)

Our essence is like a helium balloon. Naturally, all by itself it lifts, rises and soars up high into the sky. Hey that rhymes. Anyway, in the absence of any conditioning, thinking and identification with any ego the essence is just like a helium balloon that floats above our abyss - which is a dark deep scary black pit.

Our egos drag our helium balloon essence into our abyss. Then we stop seeing clearly, think and feel dark etc. Our job is to cut the ties freeing our helium ballooon essence whenever we need to.

Cutting the ties that drag the helium balloon down are symbollic for the effort we make to snap out of it, to let it go, to grasp a higher ideal, to look higher and wider, to remember the Being,  to be present and aware etc.  

End (3813).

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