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Friday 21 August 2020

Its Friday Party Time - (3794)

You've put in a good week of work on yourself, and have worked hard in other things as well and you feel you can't get any more out of yourself then what to do? Party!

Break the routine, go somewhere inspiring (if you can) and go all out, get the mantra GATE GATE PARA-GATE PARA-SAM-GATE BODHI SWAHA and do it until you or the mind collapses. 

If that's no good go to nature (if not in lock-down), dance with the trees, talk to the river, yell at Old Neptune in the Ocean, get up early salute the sun, serenade the moon, then do the mantra. Or have a fiery esoteric conversation (get m.m.m revved up) grab a juicy topic and dive deeply into and learn a lot. 

Ah sometimes you have to do something to step out of the routine to give your system a break and allow some new impressions and some renewal to enter, otherwise the routine can get mechanical and the mechanicity can start to overcloud the novelty, awe and joy that the essence feels for...  

End (3794).

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