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Tuesday 11 August 2020

Scared of the Sudden Fear Uncontrollable - (3756)


Lets start with some interesting points. 

Point 1

We get scared of what we can't control and don't know. When we know something or can control something, fear disappears or subsides.

We can be scared of an outside thing like the ocean, because we don't know what it will do next and we for sure can't control anything about it.

We can also be scared of ourselves, of our physiology, more of what our physiology can do or how it can make us feel. The very unpleasant feelings, sensations, that are impulsed by our instinctive centre from somewhere deep in our psyche can scare us. These sensations and feelings represent aspects of our own deeper unknown and to date uncontrollable nature.

Of all the centers the most intelligent, autonomous, complex, unknown and unmodified is the instinctive centre.

In this case of the instinctive centre, it does its job always (keeping us alive) but can be commanded by the brain which in turn is commanded by our psyche. When we don't have egos that command the instinctive centre our essence radiates into it, balancing and harmonizing it.

The practical part of this point says that we have to start by knowing the sensations that are felt, knowing the psychic causes that provoke the symptoms and also start to control them, and we do this through breathing. The longer out breaths cause the parasympathetic nervous system to kick in which counteracts the panic response generated by the sympathetic nervous system.

It is precisely this factor of the uncontrollable that makes our mind to provoke the very thing to happen so that we have the sense of controlling it. We can't stand the feeling of not knowing when the fear will strike. When it doesn't we begin asking where is it, why isn't it here? While the best thing is to not think about it and forget it totally. We don’t like it suddenly setting in. 

This point I know is not much help, the next points are better.

Point 2

We are not scared of the instinctive centre but we are scared of the consequences of what those symptoms and unpleasant sensations can cause or unfold.

We are not scared of a knife or gun or an angry person but the consequences of our meeting with a gun or knife or angry person.

Usually the consequences have something to do with our pride. They are very humiliating and quite inconvenient to patch up. 

If we ratioanlise through the consequences, how we can repair them or how we can forget them or surpass them or overcome them, a shift is produced in us also. Trust helps here a lot.

Point 3

The fear of something happening and it actually happening are two different things right?

Right they are! Think about it a minute. Fear and the thing happening are different. Just like sex and lust are two different things. One thing is the fear in our psychology and the other thing is the event. 

The event, the mishap, the disaster, the stuff up, the mistake, the accident, the thing gone wrong, the argument, the fight, the yelling, etc. can all unfold without fear, those things don't depend on fear and don't need fear. If they are meant to happen they will happen with or without fear.

Just like sex does not need lust and lust does not need to be there. Sex has its existence and function totally independent of lust. Otherwise no one would practice the alchemy well and the being could never take control of Its creative power. Lust like fear is a mental creation.  

Where we get into trouble is believing that we must be scared of the event, the mishap, the mistake, the disaster, the fight, the yelling, etc. we say to ourselves we can't have those consequences, that can't happen, that is really bad or really wrong. But really is it? That we must ask ourselves in all earnestness. There is always good beside the bad. See the good to neutralise things. 

Fear and it actually happening are different things. One thing I have noticed, is that when we open up quite fully our mind to the thing happening allowing freely that possibility of things going all wrong the fear dissipates somewhat. Fear strives on us rejecting the thing, not wanting it to happen etc. When we do that, we release the grip, we like take the worry out of the mind, and then there is nothing or there is less in the mind to focus on and invoke into happening.

We may think firmly with will power: "I just can not have that thing happen". True it may be bad (if there is bad there is also good always). What helps is to apply the no-thinking about it. Fear says: "It can't happen total disaster" then our response is no comment, silence, quiet. Just beautiful lovely emptiness and quiet in our mind. Sweet stillness.

The thing is to stop our reaction to it! No more mental reaction! NO MORE MENTAL REACTION.

This quietness is where our essence can take control over our instinctive centre. Then we need to divert our attention to forget about it totally. 

Lots of mental silence is what we need, it strengthens our ability to quieten or separate from the thoughts and empowers our essence a lot a lot. 

Point 4

Fear exists always in time, that is in the time before any event or thing happening. When the thing happens fear is gone because it is happening. Fear is in the time before, it is in the lead up, it is NOT in the now.

Fear is in anticipation. Fear and anticipation go together. Anticipating something negative is fear. Anticipating something positive is excitement, joy etc.

Point 5

What commands our physiology is will. The thing is our will is not always in our own hands. The ego has will and it commands our physiology from our subconscious to the brain and from the brain to the nervous system which is also our  Instinctive centre.

Will combats will and the stronger will prevails. However consciousness overcomes will. 

We need our essence involved in this picture. She is our only hope! The no reacting the silent observing the accepting of the experience the impartial feeling of the symptoms the trust and hope afterwards are all the essence. Also the amazon force to get rid of it, pay it, cancel it, dissolve it is the essence too. The force which can look like anger is a good omen a good sign. 

End (3756).

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