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Tuesday 4 August 2020

Sexual Centre Notes - (3754)

First Chamber

In our first chambers classes we are talking about the centres of the human machine. 

There is always that uneasy moment in the speaker and that pause before mentioning the sexual centre.

The speaker thinks: "hope they take this ok, hope they are mature and take it right, I'm about to find out, here goes...".

I've witnessed a few different reactions. Once a German backpacker guy who had been attending classes for a while gave the opposite expected response. Commenting how we are all too sexualised and we need to change that and ra ra ra. He had some good points but some were like a bit weird and made me go "I need to move this on and quick". 

Once a grand mother figure accompanying her adult daughter and children got scandalised and her daughter had to say this and that for her to go quiet. Then others have raised an eyebrow and not come back the following week.

Anyway after that intro here is the promise of the post's title: notes abut the sexual centre.


Centre of Origin and Creation

The centre that holds the legitimate right to originate new developments and transformations within us. As it creates us it is the only unique and authentic power that can modify us. 

It is also our supply of creative energy that is employed in many other activities that we partake in.

Centre of Gravitation 
Master Samael says that much of life's if not all in varying degrees revolve around it. Social events for example revolve around it in subtler, more refined or more obvious yet decent ways.

Centre at the Point of Equilibrium 
Situated at the body's centre. Close to the body's centre of gravity. Connected both to the waste system and the brain via the spinal column. That is, connected to both below and above. The sexual centre by its location and connection shows us it is the door way to ascend or descend. Also it is the balance point between below and above. Use the sexual centre wisely and one can balance themselves. That is controlling and wielding the powers from below to be more connected, inspired and guided from above.

Energy Supply Fount
It supplies the energy from which all the other centres function. All other centres use a derivation of the sexual energy. When a centre's energy has been consumed it takes energy from the sexual centre.

It is really the central energy linkage system. It energetically links to all parts of the body and also to our internal parts. It is the centre of our energy network.

Its energy is also very volatile and dynamic. It must always move, it is very dynamic. It is life, and life always flows forwards and onwards. If there is movement there is life.

Fastest Centre
It performs its calculations and functions quicker than any other centre. The intellect performs its thought functions slowly. It takes time to think about something, to weigh something up and get to a conclusion. The sexual centre arrives at its conclusions or determinations very quickly.

It can function by itself, this is the most natural and cosmic functioning. Sublime. Normally it functions in conjunction with other centres, This is where its natural functioning gets altered and it can be used wisely or unwisely.

Centre of Causing Power
It has a very causing power to it, which can be used to move circumstances within us and without. More within, is where it is really powerful.


Unlike the other centres it does not have an inner duality within it. The intellect has positive and negative thoughts and the emotions superior and inferior emotions. It has two different possible natures, the centripetal and centrifugal. Once one adopts the centripetal nature, inner and upward it is natural and the other does not occur. The adoption of each nature is by education mainly. However, without any ego and the consciousness present the centripetal nature would only be present. 


Contrary to what one may think it is a very intelligent centre. It is a highly sensitive energetic and emotional antenna that can give much information about someone or an event or a situation at the speed of a blink of an eye.

It also sends and receives many messages that we don't perceive. When we are not conscious of its messaging facility we often respond with like subconscious instinctive impulses. 

Use and Abuse

Like the other centres it has limits where it goes into the abuse zone and the non-use zone. People are often in one of these two extremes. The middle the balance between the two is the right use. Balance is always a conscious result.

End (3754).

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