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Thursday 13 August 2020

To Start Seeking Balance - (3778)

We hear balance is best. We hear balance is everything set right and made stable, harmonious and functioning. We hear balance is to be conscious and above all we hear balance is no pain or suffering.

So we say "I want balance" and "I want to be balanced". Then we try, but where on earth do we start?

It has to be where things are not functioning well, where there are complications and there is pain.

Pain is the indication that something is out of balance. 

Pain is also what teaches us where the balance is. There is pain at each extreme, making the extremes the same. But in the centre the pain goes away.

When we have experienced pain from both extremes, and we have had enough of it we are ready to accept the lesson, which is that to end the pain we need to travel and stay at the centre, in balance. 

Balance needs to be looked at when there are two or more parties. When two or more things interact. Balance has three elements. The two opposites or parties or things or people or activities then the balance point, the conscious centre.

Most of the time to reach balance one has to get very unbalanced first. One has to visit both sides so as to then be able to discern the conscious balance.

The more conscious we are the less we need to visit the extremes. The more asleep we are the deeper we need to be driven to the extremes to learn.

We have balance within and balance without.

We normally look always for balance outside. A very important eye opening point is that balance is not an amorphous thing. It is to be at the center of the chosen option. It is not to do the opposites half and half but to chose or define for one and be balanced in that definition.

Internal balance is an ongoing work and one that extends so far ahead of us at deeper and deeper levels within our very own Being.

To be balanced internally is to be complete. Totally integrated into the inner Being.

Unity is the universal perfect balance.

If we are not balanced internally outside in our physical life we will be unbalanced also, 100% guaranteed always.

Balance is symmetry and harmony among our three brains. To be balanced we need all three brains: thinking, feeling and acting in operation.

We find the points to work on balance inside ourselves in our relationship to various aspects of ourselves.

How is our relationship to our essence? Balanced? Have we chosen it and are we nourishing it, using it, with all three brains? 

How is our relationship to our qualities or values or virtues? Do we know their limits where the exaggeration becomes the bad? Do we know their sphere of action? Do we know how to and when to use them?

My time is running thin just now, so I'll conclude by saying that balance and truth or reality are together.

To be balanced one has no other remedy but to see and adhere to reality. The big element that does not allow us to see reality is our pride. If we are able to work on that pride, separating it from our vision we can actually help ourselves towards balance. 

So in practical conclusion, to find balance, go for the pain, then go for the pride and see, adhere to and embrace the reality of things.

End (3778).

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