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Monday 17 August 2020

Where are we Really At in the Work? - (3788)

This is really important stuff. Where are we at? Important to establish that.

It is just as important as knowing where we are going. If we don't know where we are, we don;t know if we are going to where we want to go. 

It is not so easy to know where exactly we are at. Because there is too much fantasy about ourselves, because we are impatient and because we lack a global vision of ourselves. 

If we know where we are at, we can take realistic steps in our work.

Those realistic next steps will be very well taken. Taken on true bases and not dreams of where we should be in the work. 

When we don't see where we are, we go either for the easy (complacency) or the very challenging (ambitious). In both cases we don't do too much. With the too easy option we slow down and atrophy a little. With the challenging we get disappointed and give up.

Knowing where we are helps us to create the real in our work. That is how we really progress with as full a knowledge as possible or allowable to us given the capacity of our consciousness. Instead of always wondering, being confused by contradictions, supposing, having dreams, people having dreams,  thinking big, thinking little, fantasy etc. etc.

End (3788).

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