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Wednesday 9 September 2020

Dissolution of Distractions Orders the Day - (3846)

Sometimes all these measures, being aware, prayer, breathing etc. help but don't quite get the day ordered.


Then what really does, is working on dissolving displacing, kicking in the... the things that are in our mind and background distracting us.

KRIM then works best, chanted focusing on the Divine Mother until they leave our inner panorama.

End (3846).


  1. Here's a tip (irrelevant to the post above):

    There is the observer and the observed. The observer is obviously the consciousness. When in meditation, make the observer observe itself. Direct the attention to the consciousness. Attempt to penetrate through the consciousness with all your strength. Combine it with the Ham-Sah and it will do wonders.

  2. Thank you it does do magical things. Very powerful with Ham-Sah.
