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Tuesday 1 September 2020

Everyone Has Some Consciousness - Look to that in them - (3825)

If people have a little or a lot of consciousness, it doesn't matter the benefit is for us, inside of ourselves. Also for them, because they will receive the benefits of feeling a different inner state that is generated by our different inner state towards them.

Looking to a person's consciousness avoids so many negative thoughts in us that create distrust, low judgement of them, and other types of unpleasant feelings towards them but we feel them as unpleasant in us.

To see a person this way is to go outside of personality and also outside of relativity.

Outside of personality there is freedom. Inside personality there is mainly a lot of interests, difficulties, clashes, dislikes, superficial likes, rejections etc.

It also allows us a door way to feel trust in ourselves and give it. We can not give what we don't have.

To give trust helps another to act nobly. If they don;t act nobly when given trust their essence will feel that pain and will not forget it for a while and will always try to correct that in the future.

End (3825).

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