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Sunday 6 September 2020

Fantasy Posts: Fantasy Profile - (3834)

We each have a fantasy profile. Which I bet we would not like another to have in their hot little hands.

If you don't mind then good on you, you are doing quite well. Because that means that they are less subconscious, less absurd and less embarrassing and more 'normal'.

It is good to get to know our own fantasy profile. I think very beneficial in the work on fantasy.

The best way to get to know our own fantasy profile is to divide the folder into sub-folders or chapters.

Ok so like chapters such as: human life, intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive, sexual, psychological and esoteric.

Below are some examples to give you the idea, you do your own. You won’t get any benefit reading the below, on the contrary you will get all the benefit doing your own one meticulously.

So under human life: travel to Egypt, go skiing, see the night lights in Norway, go to Antarctica, shake Marc McGowan's hand, etc.

Under intellectual: speak French, know Python inside out, know how the stock market works, know world history, etc.

Under emotional: feel happy, feel important, admired, needed, depended on etc.

Under motor: run fast, swim fast, 

Under instinctive: eat anything you want and not get fat, good physique, strong and healthy, etc. 

Under sexual: blah, blah, blah etc.

Under psychological: certain virtues, certain abilities, etc.

Under esoteric: a faculty, an esoteric degree, an esoteric ability, esoteric knowledge from experience, etc.

If we do that we can get to really know our fantasy profile well. To know is to have power over or start to have power over.

We can identify so many useful patterns. We can find out or get a good idea of what our P.P.P is, we can identify a common denominator and then streamline our work on it, we can wake up more, embrace reality more, it will open a door for us to come more to terms with our life and live it more fully, we will be able to appraise how much of our life is really fantasy (a lot), it will give us a handle on all that we have related to fantasy - like an inventory or map etc.

End (3834).

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