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Sunday 13 September 2020

Love Posts: Series Introduction - (3850)

I'm going to write up a series of short simple posts to do with love. Love seen from several angles in the light of the esoteric teachings, with a practical focus.   

One of the things I have learnt while in Gnosis is that in life we do not really know all too well what love is, and furthermore we don't really know too well either, about how to love. 

So that's the motivation behind these posts, to present what Gnosis says about love to kind of remedy that situaton a little if it may be useful to anyone.

To end this post and set things up for the posts to follow, Master Samael says that the great souls are the ones who really know how to love. That means for us, that love grows, deepens and sublimates as we progress towards acquiring our soul, developing our soul and expanding it towards the heights.

End (3850).

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