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Thursday 17 September 2020

Not Our Head, Feeling or Experience - (3866)

From experience it is best to stay in our business. Which means to stay where we are, inside of ourselves, don't leave there to think about what another is thinking or feeling, or why they said or did that etc. That is really their business - not ours.  

That is self-remembering after all...When we stay where we are, we are in our power, in our reality. In our reality is relaxation and clarity. Outside our reality is stress. In our reality we better deal with whatever is before us.

When we try to get inside the head of another, or their heart or their experiences: human or esoteric we just end up suffering. Like 100% of the time. What we do when we leave ourselves is we persist and persist in trying to work them out, trying to know them more why they did that or said that etc., but the difficulty continues, nothing changes within us, nothing gets better. So something must be wrong in doing this. If we suffer or experience difficulty the general rule is something is not right psychologically.

When we go into another's business, we leave ourselves and we try to do the impossible. Which is to think, or feel or do what we havn't thought, felt or done. How can we do what someone else did in their body, or think what they thought in their head etc. We have our own head and our own body which is not theirs. 

Another person's body is their business not ours. My body is here, my heart is here and my mind is here. That is my business, it is also very lonely going into another person's business because we leave ourselves. This post may sound nasty, but not really, it is awful when someone is on our back recriminating us for saying or doing that because they are thinking what we are thinking and getting it all wrong. It is kinder to be in our business and be respectful of their business, but does not mean that we stop liking the person or stop respecting them. It is to stop suffering and when we suffer us human beings typically make everyone else suffer.

We are always most relaxed being ourselves as we are in reality. To be in another's business is to be outside of our reality.

But that does not mean that we can't help or we can't make an effort to comprehend them from our side, or even go into their shoes for a minute. Of course we can do that and of course it is helpful for us and them to do that.

Anybody's experience was for them, they lived it or experienced how they did, and learnt what they learnt or needed to learn and for someone outside them, that's like about as much as we can see or understand. If we try to go any further than that, hours of miserable thinking and feeling await.  

End (3866).


  1. Could it be that the Being sometimes teaches us with a fall? Or perhaps puts us in a situation where a very disgraceful fall is inevitable at our individual level of Being, i.e. when we are too weak?

    I am not talking about nocturnal pollutions. I am talking about voluntary acts of sin where we know that what we are doing is wrong, yet we are not strong enough to do the right thing. And afterwards, our inflated sense of ambition and mystical pride is absolutely crushed and we helplessly drown in shame and bitterness from within.

  2. See post 3869 for your answer. Thanks.
