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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Divine Mother Comes Alive to us through the Medium of our Imagination - (3919)

When we start we believe in the Divine Mother, Her existence in us makes sense but we don't really know Her or experience Her or relate to Her in an alive direct way.

We need to use our imagination to see Her, to talk to Her, to feel Her presence.

Our imagination is a medium for Her to relate to us, for Her to talk to us, by transmitting light, love, and Her help to us.

So we need to everyday, many times a day imagine Her as powerfully and vividly as we can. Chose whatever representation that allows us to do this.

Then after we I don't know have built up something like a bridge or channel or I don't know what is in our imagination we will see that representation take life, or new details about Her start to appear in our imagination, ever so subtly and naturally.

We must open our heart to Her, pray to Her, explain all our concerns, yearnings, She always helps us but all that I can say is that She becomes a stronger power in us when we imagine Her, pray to Her, love Her many times everyday. Her help in our psychological work really improves, She really becomes a power of psychological transformation in us.

End (3919).


  1. PRIDE, at its core, fundamentally, is simply the desire to be somebody. The longing to be a separate drop from the ocean.

    This is what causes a Monad to "come out" of the Absolute in the first place; the longing to be somebody or something. And this longing is exactly what must be eliminated if one wants to return to the Absolute as a Paramarthasattya. The road to the Absolute is the road to "nobody-ness", in the fullest sense.

    The Absolute is "nobody-ness", and as we move away from the Absolute, our degree of "somebody-ness" increases. This is what PRIDE is.

    That is why Babaji said that humility is the most precious virtue in the universe. Master Samael also said this in one of his lectures.

    I learnt this today when I meditated on my PPP and thought I'd share it with you because it was through one of your posts that I realized what my PPP is :)

    1. Thank you very much for sharing that profound reflection. I am very happy also that you were able to find out your P.P.P.
