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Thursday 29 October 2020

Involution, Evolution and Revolution Notes - (3921)


♻Process of: "development, construction, progression, improvement, advance, edifying, dignifying etc."

♻This process is in action in every aspect of life. 

♻It is the process that takes us to adulthood.

♻It is the process by which life develops. 

♻It is a force in nature that is round and has a limit. It does not extend linearly ever upwards. 

♻It exists in a cycle with its opposite process involution.

♻It is what grows and has its natural beginning with the birth of something.

♻Its role is to take life to involution.

♻It is nature's gift to us for us to experience life in the quality of growing, strength, vitality and accumulating.

♻While under the process of evolution certain centres are more active in us than others than when we enter evolution. Such as the motor centre, the sexual centre which hold the first two expressions of life (birth and movement).

♻Life is about accumulating, death is about liberating.


♻The reverse process to evolution. Atrophying, decaying, degrading, withering, wearing out, decreasing, diminishing etc.

♻It is a force in nature that is round and has a limit. It does not extend linearly ever downwards. 

♻It exists in a cycle with its opposite process evolution.

♻It is a force in nature that is round and has a limit. It does not extend linearly ever downwards. 

♻It exists in a cycle with its opposite process evolution.

♻Its role is to take life to evolution.

♻It is nature's gift to us, for us to experience life in the quality of letting go, releasing, giving up...

♻While under the process of involution certain centres are more active in us than others, when we enter involution. Such as the intellectual centre and the emotional centre which allow the reflection, the understanding and appreciation of life. 

♻Life is about accumulating, death is about liberating.

Evolution and Involution

♻Two opposite processes. Expression of the Law of Duality. They comprise the wheel of Samsara. These two forces work on all the scales. On a cosmic scale, on an individual scale and on a planetary scale. On a planetary scale we have the Wheel of Samsara.

♻108 lives as a human being we have. How many as a plant, animal, mineral we don't know. It may depend on how many lives are needed to dissolve the "I's" we have created. 

♻The occult reason for 108 lives is because we have the pluralised "I". No “I’s” no successive lives. 

♻In the time of 108 lives we are given ample opportunities to initiate our revolution, which is our awakening, which is self-realisation.

♻We have 108 lives because: 9 x 12 = 108, which means gestating in the womb of the zodiac. According to theory or the archetype of equality in evolution we are given 9 lives in each zodiac to experience each planetary influence and to help us as one zodiac influence maybe for in particular more favourable for us to achieve self-realisation than others. 

♻If we do not attempt our revolution, because a limit has to be imposed on the ego, which are a conjunct of good and bad values, the creator has put in place a certain mechanism whereby the "I's'" we have created are dissolved. Dissolved involuntarily.

♻After our 108th life we die physically and our essence enters the state of animal, then later the state of vegetable then later the state of mineral.

♻This process is to cause the "I's" that we created to be broken down.

♻Our essence can enter the physical body of an animal, yet our state of consciousness will be that of animal and we will be connected to the abyss. Because the states of animal states belong to the abyss.

♻There are involuting and evolving animals, plants and minerals species. Perhaps the animals on the signs of the Zodiac are evolving.

♻We enter the bowels of the Earth - the so called infra-dimensions where the egos that we have slowly break down and we are transformed into free essence.

♻As we evolve from having had all the essence in us free we evolute through the abyss through the states of mineral, plant and animal once again until we reach the human state.

♻The human being state is the state that has the three brains and there the three forces or the Law of three by which that human being can create its own inner universe.

♻Animals and plants have only two and one brains, with which they can not create.

♻Depending on the heaviness of the ego, a person's stay in the abyss could be several hundred years. If there is a lot of karma and the egos are very heavy the stay can be 1000's of years.

♻The solar bodies take many hundred years to be dissolved and they must be dissolved if an essence with the solar bodies enters the abyss.

♻ We are given 3000 turns on the wheel of Samsara before we enter the Great Spirit of Life and return to our Monad self-conscious but without self-realisation. To be happy we need self-consciousness. We become a happy Buddha elemental. 


♻Evolution is not an increasing upward trend as commonly believed. If it were so it would break the free will of the human being.

♻Evolution does not change us fundamentally. It changes our physical body but inwardly we remain the same. Evolution does not operate on our essence or in other words it does not operate on our psychology which is what we are. It does not awaken our consciousness. 

♻It would be unfair to change us radically against our will wouldn't it? The creator is not a tyrant He has given us free will to be what we want to be inwardly.

♻Evolution takes us so far. It has a limit. To go beyond that limit we need revolution.

♻Revolution acts on our inward psychological nature, providing us with a total radical change.

♻When we change inside we also change outside of ourselves.

♻As society is the sum of the individual, changing ourselves we change society, and later the world. The world needs a revolution of consciousness, more than anything else. 

♻Revolution of the consciousness breaks us free from this cycle of Samsara.

♻When we escape the wheel of Samsara, the law of 108 lives no longer applies.

♻The Law of 108 is not rigid. It is flexible, if the essence is developing, that is, liberating itself, the essence is given more time to complete its work.

♻It is not bad to know which life we are in. It is not necessary but good to know to give us motivation. If we are working giving our best we have little to worry about. 

♻There are certain signs that we can know when a person is in his/her last life. A post has been written about that.

♻I once heard spoken by a very knowledgeable source, that as long as the blue light of the essence is shining in the person, that person is not sent down to the abyss to involute.

♻An essence can be rescued from the abyss. After the second Dantean circle it becomes very difficult that an essence is rescued. This is because the process of involution and degeneration accelerates too rapidly. 

♻In the 8th Dantean circle is where the second death occurs for the essence. The Divine Mother completes Her work of having dissolved the ego in the abyss.

♻In any way up or down, our Divine Mother never abandons us. She is always with us. She just polarises Herself to help us in whatever direction we are going.

♻We escape Samsara when we dissolve the “I’s” we have. 

End (3921).

1 comment:

  1. So what the signs that show that the person is in their last life in earth?
