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Sunday 4 October 2020

Purity Posts: 2.) Examined - (3889)

I think that is helpful to look at purity first from a scientific point of view.

In science what is pure is something that is all one substance. A gold bar is 100% pure means that the bar is all gold. Every single last atom of it is an atom of gold. 100% water means that in a sample of said water there are only H2O molecules nothing else. Purity is a measure of the degree of oneness or how completely one thing something is, or a measure of how many foreign bodies are not in something.

It may be helpful to see purity as crystal clearness. Imagine water, the purer the water, the more crystal clear it is. Imagine an emerald, a ruby, a piece of quartz, a diamond or a sapphire the less impurities these stones contain the clearer and more sparkling they are. Purity, light and transparency seem to always go together. More about that later on.

We are always looking for purity in nearly all instances. We look for purer water, for purer air, for purer food, for purer minerals etc. What is pure is usually more potent, more effective, and rarer, as extra work and special circumstances are often needed to make something pure. In chemistry for example, what is pure is highly sought after. The purer a substance the more potent will be its natural properties. So purity allows something to be more of its essential nature. A pure something can do the most it possibly can whereas an impure something is hampered from reaching it maximum. What is purer has a higher value, and that is why with physical things what is purer is more expensive. 

Purity is a power. Within a human being as within a crystal it is a power. More on that later.

Purity always refers to containers or to things that can accept foreign bodies. Such as water, such as solids, such as our mind and our heart. Fire does not accept inside of it anything foreign. It acts on foreign things and transforms them into its nature, i.e. burns it. The sprit is like fire, so is the consciousness.

In relation to us as human beings, purity concerns our crystal clearness. Which has to do with first and foremost our consciousness which is also very related to our essence. 

Purity can not exist without consciousness. The consciousness itself is something pure, i.e. there is no other elements to it - only consciousness. However, when our consciousness is clouded over by something foreign which is not conscious, we in that moment lose purity and we take takes on degrees of impurity.

There are really many different instances of purity that can be present in a human being. Globally, in a moment, in an area of life, in mind, in heart etc. Subsequent posts will explain this more clearly.

What concerns us immediately is purity in the moment with the use of our consciousness. Read the following posts for more explanation.

End (3889).

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