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Tuesday 6 October 2020

Purity Posts: 5.) Jesod and the Waters of Life - (3896)

Jesod is what? The vital body, the etheric plane and the sexual energy, the waters of life. In the tree of life seen as attributes Jesod is the one that represents purity. 

In the tree of life there is also a very interesting connection. Jesod is directly connected to Malcuth and to Kether. Meaning that Jesod directly affects Malcuth and Kether. If we mess up Jesod we also mess up Malcuth and Kether.

Jesod is the source of life for our whole tree. If our life is to take on a purer/better quality, it only makes sense then that we would focus on Jesod which is the source of our life.

If the waters that feed our tree are not clean our tree suffers. The cleaner our waters the cleaner our fires can burn and the brighter will be the light from the fires (our energies).

The brightness of light in the higher parts of our Being all depend on below just as the tree of life shows us by that direct connection of Jesod to Tipereth to Kether.

In many depictions Kether is the crown, like a halo which all comes from the sublimation of the purified sexual energy of Jesod. Things that are pure can only ever ascend and they ascend up to Tiphereth and to Kether.

Really the purity of a person, the crystal clearness or the becoming closer to ones; essential nature begins when we begin to purify our Jesod, our waters of life. 

We think purity comes from above from Kether but it actually depends on below - on our Jesod.

End (3896). 

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