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Thursday 1 October 2020

Sensual Love Posts: 3.1) Buddha and the Serpent Legend - (3885)

There is a certain legend or tale to do with the Buddha concerning sexuality.

This legend is about Buddha when he was in the process of realising himself. so he hadn't reached his enlightened state as yet but was in the process of reaching it.

The legend goes like this:

Buddha once whiule he was travelling and staying at a certain village met a maiden. He fell in love with that maiden. The lgend says that he loved the divine in her and his love for her took the form of admiration and apreciation of the Divinity in her. One day while he was gazing at the maiden he became entranced by her physical beauty and as she had work to do she abandoned him. The legend says that the divine in her left her. Then what remained in the maiden became a serpent and without delay the serpent coiled itself tightly three times around the buddha. The legend says that the serpent resperesented the maiden's human nature as a woman. So as Buddha had spent most of his life studying and practicing so to expand his learning, strengthen his character and develop his virtues he used his greatness of human strength to try and free himself. However as much as he tried he could not free himself. Then he realised that the only way he would be able to free himself was to become smaller and smaller. He then made himself smaller and smaller until he was almost nothing. Having become so small he was able to escape. 

So that was the legend, in the next posts (3890 and 3891) I'll bring to light its keys for relevant to us.

End (3885).

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