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Sunday 4 October 2020

Sensual Love Posts: 3.3) Buddha and the Serpent Legend - (3891)

This post concentrates on the practical work aspects of the legend.

So here are the practical lessons.

Keep seeing sexuality from the spiritual side and keep oneself in the spiritual side and all will go fine. Deal with sexuality from above from within the spiritual, that is with a spiritual goal, using methods that direct the sexual currents inwards and upwards operated with a clear mind.

To free ourselves from the tight grip of sensuality we need to remember the help of the Divine Mother. We have to remember the spiritual aspect. The best way is make the human lower nature smaller, less active and call the superior.

We need to die in the desires and wrong functioning of the sexual centre with the help of the Divine Mother.

We have to contend with desire and the wrong functionings of the sexual centre using transmutation and the death of the egos sending the impulses, respectively. Otherwise the related egos come back and back again causing us problems.

We also need to call upon the spiritual teachings to do with sexuality. The main and essential one being the transmutation. The teachings provide us with a way to balance sexuality, to sublimate it and enter into the sphere of its superior aspect, which is the fire, the divinity within.  

The humility aspect is very important because the serpent is so astute and it can get us when we least expect it and so if we are thinking we are heroes we will be struck easily becoming entrapped once again.

With humility we are always aware of our strengths and weaknesses and we develop an attitude of being ready and aware whenever we need to protect ourselves from danger. When we think we are going well that is not such a good way of thinking it is always best to be wary, on the look out within us for imminent danger. 

Prayer, transmutation and psychological death solve this problem. Really embracing the transmutation with a joy greater than what the lower nature can give us, decisively solves this issue.


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