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Tuesday 3 November 2020

Conscious Love Notes - (3840)

One of the three types of love Gnosis teaches about. First is sensorial love, second is emotional love and third is conscious love.

Conscious love is the most revered, the most respected and the most difficult.

There exist three types of marriages. Karmic, dharmic and cosmic or in other words: consciousness to consciousness.

The love that is difficult to describe.

The love most often not liked or not seen as love.

Love so elastic and flexible that one can not pin it down to be properly defined.

A love that always seeks the benefit of the essence and the Being in oneself and in others, but goes about it in no fixed way, given over to the urgency and opening presented in the moment.

A love that is most visible in its results. In actions and in facts.

It is a love that often is only recognized and appreciated afterwards. Sometimes years afterwards.

The way to get the result most beneficial for the essence could be painful. Sometimes though it is not. Because a beautiful value of the essence is transmitted and accepted. 

Anyway conscious love is not scared to use a way that is not always nice but the results are certain to always be a balm for the essence.

It is concerned with reality. 

It is not really about love stories, or about fairy tale journeys and endings, it is not really about romance, poetry, art etc. 

It's beauty is in the beauty of the essence, of the soul and of course beyond that going, to the inner Being, the Divine Mother.

It is light and life to the essence but bitterness, disappointment and contradiction to the personality and mind. 

When both parties love consciously the pains of the other types of love diminish and the there is freedom.

With conscious love the other is not the supplier of our love, of our joy, of our happiness, of our fulfillment... but what we have within us.

To love consciously one must have a certain inner wealth.

Conscious Love is Law.

End (3840).


  1. How does this combine with what MSAW writes in the perfect matrimony. Obviously above you’re referring to the center of gravity of the relationship.
    I guess I’m just interested on how the below quote combines with what you are stating.

    “ to have true Love it is necessary for the man and woman to adore each other on all the seven great cosmic planes.
    For there to be Love there should be a true communion of Souls in the three spheres of Thought, Feeling and Will.
    When two beings vibrate in affinity in their thought, feeling and volition, then the Perfect Matrimony is fulfilled in the seven planes of cosmic consciousness.
    There are people married on the physical and etheric planes, but not on the astral plane. Others are married on the physical, etheric and astral planes, but, not on the mental plane....”

  2. What I was writing about is in a very general sense. I wasn't really writing about in a relationship, I was wanting to go broader. The quote of course is what Master Samael says and he knew what he was talking about and for sure I see that in conscious love has to be that way as he explains in a marriage.
