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Sunday 29 November 2020

Forget Comparison - (3956)

We know this - "don't compare yourself to anyone". But we forget. 

This is us reminding ourselves right now: "don't compare your path to that of anyone else", "don't compare your work to that of anyone else", "don't compare your circumstances to that of anyone else", "don't compare your karma/dharma to that of anyone else", "don't compare your abilities to that of anyone else" etc.

When we compare we become miserable.

When we compare we stop living our life, we stop fully living our reality. We become a bit cut off from it.

When we compare we create a new point of view which we adopt as our point of view. But this new point of view is based on another person (usually more advanced, fortunate, smarter etc.), which happens to be false for us. 

This new point of view is really a point of view that is about saying to ourselves all the time 'we should', 'we should be like this' and it never really can be because it is not us. We go by a different ‘rumba”.

We stop experiencing ourselves directly, we experience things through this false point of view which diverts and collides things for us making us miserable.

In the end the lesson is don't compare and be happy and work directly with your reality as you are and as it is. This is how we can really change and help ourselves.

End (3956).

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