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Saturday 21 November 2020

Good Goes to Evil and Evil to Good - (3947)

The virtue and defect are linked. One can not be seen without the other.

They are both a circle actually, just as the yin-yang symbols depicts.

If we exaggerate the virtue we end up in some kind of unintended 'bad' that could lead us to do the opposite of what we always intended to do. 

For example a parent gives and gives in way too much to a child, making the child spoilt and obnoxious. Eventually the parent will get angry with the child and treat the child harshly, which is what the parent in the beginning never wanted to do.

If we diminish a defect we end up automatically without even thinking about it, being closer and closer to the virtue.

For example, if we make efforts to be less and less angry we start becoming calm, serene, quiet etc. all the opposite of anger and closer and closer to the virtue of sweetness, understanding, serenity etc.

Also there is another strange thing. If we exaggerate the defect, taking it to the point of losing control, we eventually, if we don't die or get sick, wind up hitting rock bottom - the point our own system can't handle anymore and we understand that we can't go any deeper but only upwards and out of that labyrinth.

That way is very costly and is unfortunately needed due to karma - we need to suffer that, we need that medicine, because we are also too asleep, our will is too compromised and the only way we can be helped in that condition is through the 'bad'. The good can not help us in that condition only the 'bad' can, so further into the labyrinth we go - with our essence screaming in the background for help, for a force strong enough to really help - most often justice or the will of the Father. 

The above is such a common thing in the West, the beautiful loving parents can not help because the ‘good’ without the co-operation of the person in difficulty can not take effect. How many parents have to watch their children spiral downwards, and all that they can do is just 'be there'. All the applications of the good just don't work. That seems to be the best thing that they can do.

End (3947).

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