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Tuesday 24 November 2020

Sun's Key to Love - (3952)

Once again it is difficult to talk about love because at some point: now, sooner or later or later on, someone, somewhere is going to find that you are a hypocrite - that is, one is all talk and no real substance.

I think the Sun has something interesting to say about love. Here goes…

The sun provides us with light, warmth and life among so many other things.

No doubt these three things just mentioned are a part of love. So the Sun sends His planets which includes us His love. The Sun clearly loves the most. No one can love more than the Sun. That’s clear!

The Sun draws love from deep inside Himself, from His spiritual part within the Ain Soph Aur – the Sacred Absolute Sun and emanates it out into the Solar System. He has love and gives love and in giving He receives. He receives from the planets. But if he didn’t give freely in the first place He would not receive anything. That is His Law.

People, us, are lacking – meaning we are cold. We are all cold. If we are cold we lack warmth. When we are warm we don’t lack anything do we?

When we are cold we put clothes on, but being warm we take them off, in other words allowing ourselves to be as we are, expressing our truth. The warmth or love we have allows for our truth.

By clothes I mean symbolically - layers of falsehood and protection.

Being cold means we lack love.  

We think we are not worthy of being loved, that no one loves us and we can't really love anyone etc.

When we are warm already inside of ourselves we don't need warmth from others - so much, do we? If we  have lots of money we don't need money from others do we? The same thing really.

So we are cold and the solution is to learn a bit from the Sun. To find love inside of ourselves and then give of it. But we must find the love we have inside. If not we can not give anything and therefore receive nothing.

We often, too often, are all abut receiving. Which is so very lunar. There is only friction, difficulty, disagreement, pain, suffering, opposition and conflict waiting for us, in following the way of the moon - the way of only receiving. 

The ego is all lunar. We don't think we are like this but we are to a lesser or greater degree. When we are our essence we are solar.

End (3952).


  1. Did you know that most suns orbit in pairs? I wonder what that means they give/receive from each other to maintain that relationship.

  2. I didn't know that. Do they actually do that, work as a binary system. If they do do that, it would make sense that both suns would definitely have to be involved in an exchange of information, energy, consciousness and many other things.

  3. It’s Thanksgiving in the US, just wanted to say that I am very thankful and grateful for these posts. It has been a tremendous help and resource especially in this past year. Thank you again for everything.

    1. Thank you very much for expressing your gratitude. My pleasure and very happy it was help to you.

  4. Your post made me remember something, and reflect on it.....

    The sun for us is very important, so obviously we reflect on it many times in our learning and receive many teachings about this relationship to the sun.
    As Gnosis teaches, To incarnate the sun is the same as to incarnate Christ.
    A master once said that Love is a Two way street, and in order for love to be real, it must be reciprocated, this is the Law.
    The Sun gives its Love freely and equally to everyone on earth. But is that Love real? It is only when we reciprocate that Love/Life of the "Sun" that it becomes real.
    But how do you reciprocate the suns lovingly given life? Well, He tells us and shows us, through action and the Word. Christ is the sun that is in the sky, and the sun within every atom, and the sun within a man who has incarnated it.
    When we become to Reciprocate that Love given to us by the sun of god, we make his love real. All to our measure and degree we are willing to reciprocate.
    His love is endless, therefore our reciprocity can be infinite, in all degrees and measure. Every step we make on the path is the degree in which we reciprocate with him.. the source.. the sun. And this opportunity is given the same to all beings under the sun, no more and no less to anyone over the other.
    For most people the Love of the Sun of god is not real, but the sun still shines and the opportunity is still given freely.
    Our work can be described and measured in the amount that we reciprocate Christ's love, within our being, within our heart, within our mind etc.
    Christs Love, the Suns Loving rays, the very breath of life, is a love entirely based in sacrifice. This is obvious, as it gives to us and demands nothing in return, but hopes in all beings ever present.
    So, We give of our life for only the hope that it be reciprocated and made real, but never dependent upon... Luckily for us, Christ before us, is already and always will give us everything, we will never lack in truth, that is his promise we can trust. His Holy Grace.
    All we have to do, is decide how real we want that fullness of Love to be, in the measure that we become conscious of his love, and reciprocate his holy gesture of sacrifice, in return.

    This Reciprocity is only found in our conscious being, and our "doing" will be of natural consequence of our Being.

    There are no barriers but of our own making that are in our way to reciprocate his love. Though, in the world, there may be barriers to others reciprocating yours... Let that not discourage us though, for we know and remember how we put up barriers between us and him, when he only gives us the light of love. and he does not make us tear down the barriers, but is infinitely patient with us in our own disarmament. I am Grateful for his infinite patience.....

    "Oh Thou, Solar Logos, igneous Emanation, substance and consciousness of Christ, powerful life whereby everything advances, come unto me and penetrate me, enlighten me, bathe me, go through me and awaken within my Being all of those ineffable substances that are as much a part of Thee as well as part of me.

    "Universal and cosmic force, mysterious energy, I conjure Thee, come unto me, remedy my affliction, cure me from this ill and put apart from me this suffering so I can have harmony, peace and health."
