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Wednesday 11 November 2020

Three Kinds of Love Notes - (3945)

This post like the other ones is a container, holding the notes I plan to use for a talk in the retreat.


Long Introduction

Love is a fundamental value of the Being in each one of us.

Love is very difficult to define. Values such as trust, patience, tolerance, hope, humility are much easier to define and their definition is much more readily agreed upon.

It is difficult to speak about love because everyone has their concepts of what it is for them. Each concept clashes. It is almost like speaking about what is good and what is evil. No one ever can agree.

It is often these clashes in what is love which cause the greatest conflicts between people.

We can't love others according to how we think love should be, but rather find out how others like to be loved and love them that way and balance it out.

Much evil to another has been done because of love and even the great evils have been done with love and for love. 

How many times has great love turned into be a terrible hatred with just as terrible consequences. 

None the less as difficult as it is to treat love, it is still a value of our Being, it is a value at the heart, soul and fibre of our Being and at some point along the way, we need to know how to use it, manage it, cultivate it, care for it and expand it.

Mama mia it is hard to talk about love, one is inevitably going to disappoint others and appear sooner or later as a hypocrite. 

There are three ways to die in the ego. One is from below, the other from above, and the third is from both above and below. 

From below is the direct work on the ego undermining its concepts, beliefs and stopping it, the second way is to cultivate the value opposite to it and the third way is to work directly on the ego while  cultivating the value at the same time.

By studying love, getting it right, knowing what conscious love is we can really help ourselves a lot in the work on the ego. Especially when it comes to self-love, self-importance, pride, lust, jealousy, attachment etc.

Three Loves

Gnostic teachings speak about there being three kinds of love. Sensorial, emotional and conscious.

Each kind of love represents a view, a concept and a mode of love.

Often these loves don't agree and don't understand each other. 

The experience of the first two start of nice but sooner or later, often sooner, turn into thorns, and thorns that hurt. The experience of this pain impulses one to look for another love - conscious love. 

The painful experience of love burns us out often and closes off to the value of love. Because in truth love is like a fire.

Conscious love is the one that does not hurt. It is the one that allows us to enjoy what we expect from love. Love that frees, the love that enhances, that gives one strength and courage, the one that is constant as steady flame etc.

It is the love that approaches the love that is within the Monads, the love that transcends time. That not even time can destroy, life after life, even after recurrences and karma have been paid the love that is in the Monad for another Monad endures, remains. 

Conscious love is law, meaning if we are loving consciously we are not breaking the law and accruing karma. Tricky - each to their own to discover that. 

Love is something Divine that descends to us. However, as it moves through the human being it turns and twists and changes suffering many modifications turning out to be something like the nature that human being has.

Sensorial love is the love that processes through the senses. It is a Love trapped in the senses. Sensorial love considers love to be that which pleases the senses or aligns with the thinking of the senses. So sexual pleasure often falls under this kind of love, but is not limited to that.  

Sensorial love is a lot about having, comforting the senses, etc. Out of time will write more later on this point.

Sensorial love is always mostly possessive and controlling. It often gets exhausted quite quickly as the seeking of the pleasure of the senses burns up a lot of energy depleting both leaving them empty of much inspiration, magnetism, attraction, magic and mystery that enchants etc. etc.

Emotional love is the one that is about emotional needs. It is the one that feels great emotion and as emotions are subject to coming and going, that great emotional love also goes. Just like the age old story of the man who cries at the funeral of his mother begging death to take him instead of her, and lo and behold death appears and accepts his offer, but he quickly and adamantly reneges.

It is the love that pleases the feeling of being loved, the feeling of being needed, the feeling of being useful, the feeling of being wanted, the feeling of being appreciated and valued, the feeling of  'can't live without" etc. If one can not feel these things to the emotional love there is no love. Conscious love would not agree with that. Often emotion love is dependent on this kind of love and is very demanding for actions from another to make them to feel all of these things.

Conscious love always as a pattern functions to dignify, enhance, support the essence. It may use a method that does not seem very loving but its results will always be positive for the essence.

Broader View of Love

The goal of this talk is to present a broader, more esoteric and more conscious view of love.

Love is a cosmic force, it is everywhere, it holds the whole cosmos together. It is diluted into everything that exists. It is in every atom, every molecule, not just in a human action. It is something that nourishes and enriches life, something that sustains and maintains life in its march.

Love is not just to have another person in your arms. Love is much broader and wider than that. People often look for love in the body of another, not even in the whole body but in small parts, love is much more than that and more profound than that. It is something cosmic that goes straight into the heart of the creator.  

It is important for everyone to be able to have found the love that one has within them. Often love comes out of us from a mysterious place, a hidden place that we didn't know about, but it still all came from us.

If we have found love in ourselves we have something to give. Then we can really counteract the ego of self-love. Then more importantly we can love. We can cultivate love. We have to start off with something. Knowing that we actually have love. 

So often people are not aware of the love they have, thinking that they don't have it or are not worthy of it. We have to make love flow. That is the key, make it glow and flow in us. Then we have the means to counteract and overcome self-love.

Love is a transforming element. It transforms one's view of everything.

Love should give one courage, strength, happiness, a certain fulfillment and joy. Love for the Being is what survives many of the battles that really hurt in our path and pushes us onward towards the next battle. 

The knight the human soul taking courage and strength from his love for the Spiritual soul fights his way through many battles each time striving for victory so as to be closer to her. Deep in our soul is the love for this damsel, this princess which is our consciousness etc.

We can teach ourselves how to love by following the same principles as nourishment. We typically only eat what is good for us right. To start to love we need to do the same. Absorb, take in what is good and enhancing for our essence. Love starts at home and our essence is home. We allow in so many harmful and damaging thoughts and emotions. To love our essence is to choose the best food for it. 

End (3945).

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