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Sunday 13 December 2020

Being in the Environment is Hard but has its Advantages - (3978)

This is a hard thing to do, now days, more than ever...

It is to not be divided or distracted. It is to be fully present and it is to honour the people that you are with in that environment with your attention, your essence, your consciousness and maybe even your Being.

Where our attention is, our essence is and also where our consciousness is.

With phones these days it is difficult. Mostly people are not really present in their environment and they are not really with the people that they are in the company of.

This is worth practicing, making a serious effort towards being whole, undistracted in the environment in which one is in. Why?

It leaves one with less regrets in the end, makes one whole and more conscious, makes one happier and calmer as one is focused, which allows the essence to become active and one can give with better quality what one can to those who are in one's company. 

I know we have to answer messages, despite that, when we want to fulfill this task we just have to do the best we can.

End (3978). 

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