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Wednesday 30 December 2020

COVID Pratikmotcha Perfect for the Subconscious - (3998)

If you don't know what the word Pratikmotcha means bad luck. I'm not going to explain it.

But this is me writing about what I have seen related to a certain psychological state that has developed.

A strange indifference developed since the pandemic started. Like an indifference to any Gnostic person outside of Perth, to any Gnostic centre outside of Perth, to Gnostic activities outside of Perth etc. etc.

I found out why this is. With the conditions that were imposed by the pandemic the subconscious which contains the opposite of the logical, coherent and conscious grew in such force. In the subconscious exists an opposite Paul and anti-Paul or anti-you - everything the opposite of what you are. This is by the law of duality.

The conditions of the pandemic gave the subconscious everything that it ever wanted. The suspension of physical classes, no retreats, no traveling, no visitors, no activites and so no rules or guidelines to worry about. In effect the rising subconscious caused one to only be concerned about one's immediate situation and be totally indifferent to anything outside of that.   

Anyway realising this I can understand the origin of this indifference and know that it is not something from the essence. It’s not right, it’s not correct, it’s not noble so it can be let go of. 

End (3998). 

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