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Monday 7 December 2020

Notes About the Truth - (3970)

Container Post

This post is a container post, to hold the notes I will be adding over the next few days to do with the topic of: Truth.

Notes -Master Samael

πŸ’‘"To awaken is of importance to be able to know the Truth. "

πŸ’‘"The Truth is not a question of theories or concepts; the theories that we can forge with respect to the truth, are not the truth; the opinion, as serious as it may be with respect to the truth, is not the truth; we need to experience the truth directly, as when one puts their finger into the fireplace and burns it."

πŸ’‘"That which is beyond the body, the affections and the mind, that is the truth..."

πŸ’‘"much beyond the illuminating void, is the Great Reality, the Tality, the Truth, that which is not of time."

πŸ’‘"The Truth is something that can not be defined, because if it is defined it is disfigured."

πŸ’‘"The Truth is what is unknown from instant to instant."

to be continued...


πŸ”¬The truth is what was behind us searching for Gnosis. It was what attracted us to Gnosis, it is what held us in Gnosis and it is what is moving us to work, and we are working for it. Without having tasted the truth in Gnosis we would not be here. 

The truth is a big pillar of our work. As it is the principal pillar of our inner Being, our inner Being - That which is Real.

What is true prevails and eventually becomes visible. 

What is true is eternal. Does not fade with time. Like the principles and laws of the cosmos. They prevail.

to be continued...

End (3970). 

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