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Tuesday 22 December 2020

Pleasure Costs: One Big Truth - (3989)

This morning eating breakfast it came to me that pleasure always always costs, i.e. it has its price.

The true pleasure is the one that comes from work. Then experiencing it is enhancing.

The pleasure that does not come from work or is taken without having worked for it, is what subtracts a price from us. It is what costs. We feel this cost but ignore it or are just not conscious of it.

We think that pleasure does not have a price. All those people out there now drinking and eating and looking to satisfy their pleasures at this time of the year are paying their price, but they are not noticing that, they 'enjoy' themselves and just go and pay for it later on - unconsciously. Imagine if they knew that these pleasures have a price, they will be more conscious and by virtue of being more conscious they will stop or think twice or slow down.

This explains why so many people given to pleasure end up bereft. The alcoholic, the drug user, the glutton, the sexual pleasure seeker, the gambler all end up ruined or collecting a life of difficulty and hardship. Because they have spent all their capital in pleasure and are bankrupt. 

When we have not worked for the pleasure we experience, the price is taken from our vitality from our vital and also psychological values. While we can pay the price we don't notice a lot, but there comes a time when our values run thin and then the price is pain and all manner of difficulty and misfortune.

Sexual pleasure is a prime example. Experiencing sexual pleasure without working without transmuting, combusts energy and vital values in our body, especially in our brain. When orgasm or energy loss occurs the price extracted is much higher.

So is over-eating, being lazy and sleeping, that pleasure always extracts its price. The ego gets stronger, and the stronger ego becomes a hinderance for us later on. The body gets unhealthy and fat and that stops us, hinders us. Usually when we like something or are interested in something and want to pursue it this is when we feel those hinderances which come from the price extracted from having taken pleasure without having worked for it. 

We want to really work hard on ourselves but the price for laziness, lust, gluttony, pride and others having stolen pleasure hurts us. These egos are thieves, a thief takes things for its pleasure without paying.

This seems to be a law of nature, just the way things work or are set up here. I honestly think being very aware of this law helps us then to be conscious and then being conscious our own consciousness will help us to overcome what it is needed to overcome in this area of things.

End (3989).

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