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Wednesday 16 December 2020

Remember from the Heights - (3981)

 That's our trouble that we remember from within our subconscious and that perpetuates our difficulties.

We need to remember in a different way.

That different way being remembering in self-remembering.

This is very helpful and when we do really do it, we feel different and we have more ability to transform the way we relate to those memories.

In practical terms doing this means less ill-feeling after remembering, more transformation and less arguments.

End (3981).


  1. Something I’ve never figured out and you’re touching upon it in this post:

    When we die it causes a descent (from my observations), meaning the energy that was holding you to the heights was used by dvm to die.
    We then have to climb back up to the heights. If you are single and dying regularly it’s almost as if you get stuck in the mind/ subconscious more often then time spent in the heights. Does that make sense?
    If I take a break from dying and just transmute then Self remembering, meditation, and dreams get better.
    I guess the bigger question Is that it seems that there is a large part of this work in just maintaining this balance between up and down?
    Does that make sense? Interested in your thoughts on this.

  2. Although your question is addressed to the author of this post, I must tell you that I understand exactly what you are talking about.

    Our Divine Mother uses our sexual fire to destroy our defects (in proportion to our comprehension).

    If we don't use that fire for dying, then we have adequate energy for our consciousness. We think we are doing very well because we can remain awake, self-remember and meditate easily. We are also more conscious in the astral since our consciousness is energized.

    However, we must forget about all that and use all our fire for only dying. When our Divine Mother uses our fire against our defects, we lack the fire to energize our consciousness and, therefore, we feel like we've 'descended'. Basically, our consciousness lacks the energy because that energy has already been used up by our Divine Mother for death.

    From my own experience, I have to tell you that if you proceed like this, success will not be away. Keep going!

    Forget about everything else and die everyday until you don't have the energy to die anymore. Exhaust yourself. And continue to proceed like this. You will see how quickly you progress.

    "In this path, when we think we are not doing well, it happens that we are actually doing quite well" - Samael Aun Weor.

    Do not worry about maintaining a balance 'between up and down'. You will simply be delaying the work of death and awakening. It is better to stay down there, because that is where the work is.

    I am also single, therefore I am speaking only from my experience.

    Remember, success will not be far away if you proceed like this. You can expect great triumphs.

    I hope that the author of this post excuses my intervention for a question that was dedicated to him/her.
