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Sunday 20 December 2020

Sexual Organs Carry Stress - (3987)

We know that many organs or centers of our body are affected by stress. The emotional center, the stomach, the intestines, the heart etc. But we don't often think of the organs present in the sexual centre as being affected.

However, they also carry stress and are affected by tension, anxiety and many other psychological states etc. In several different ways. One way is that the sexual energy is modified and consumed by those states and the modified energy, makes the sexual centre to function not as harmoniously as it can. The egos related to sexuality also strain and harm the sexual organs. Fear, anxiety, anger and negative thinking also affect the sexual centre and its harmonious functioning.

In the sense of complete awareness of ourselves it is worth while to be aware of stress present in the sexual centre and like any other part of our body consciously relax the sexual centre giving the organs some respite from that stress. Because prolonged anything causes harm.

End (3987). 

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