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Sunday 27 December 2020

Synthesis and Analysis Notes - (3995)

Here is a set of notes on analysis and synthesis. Feel free to use them in any way that you see fit.


💮Two important activities that are very related to one another. 

💮Both of these functions significantly impact our life. More then we initially think.

💮The brain is of analysis and synthesis is of feeling and life.

💮With analysis one learns much. With synthesis one lives more.

💮Both are needed. We can not ignore either one.

💮Analysis takes one to synthesis.

💮Synthesis is the result of analysis.

💮Analysis takes one to the capacity to make a conclusion and synthesis is the conclusion that one lives out.

💮Analysis is to break down or to divide.

💮Synthesis is to put together and to unite.

💮Analysis and death go together but life and synthesis go together also.

💮The knowledge from analaysis is very useful but the knowledge from synthesis is truer knowledge. Because true knowledge comes from life.

💮If one cuts their thumb off one can analyse it and get a lot of information about it, weight, density, amount of skin, amount of blood, amount of bone, but what good does this knowledge really do us. 

💮What is really important is to have the thumb connected to our hand and to be able to use our thumb to perform all the chores of everyday life, driving, writing, trping, eating etc.and to know how to best use our thumb. 

💮Analysis sides up more alongside the ego and synthesis sides up more alongside the essence.

💮Analysis takes us more into matter while synthesis takes us closer to the spirit.

💮With analysis we believe we can control matter, which could be our own body. However, the way to control matter is from above through the spirit. In other words with the synthesis we are more able to control matter below.

💮Analysis comes from the in detailed view, the microscopic view where we only see details. We stop seeing life.

💮Synthesis comes from the view gained from on high. Where one sees the bigger picture and how all things interconnect and how things are alive and form a unity. 

💮With analasyis we are broken down into pieces but with synthesisis we are a unit and with unity comes focus and with focus comes power, vitality and health.

💮With the work on the ego we use both analysis and synthesis.

💮When we begin to comprehend we are begining to enter the process of synthesis.

💮When one is in the stage of analysis in relation to the work on the ego one liberates much knowledge about the ego and its functions, its characteristics, its logic and so on and one can talk and write a lot about it.

💮As the ego dies we develop the synthesis perfectly, where the whole death of an ego over several years becomes synthesised in one or two words: trust, transmutation, faith, hope etc.

💮We have a tremendous over exaggerated tendency to analyse. This causes us to live too much in our brain. Analysis traps us in our brain.

💮With analysis we end up just living in one centre (intellect), but synthesis unites all the centres.

💮When we are angry at someone we use analysis. Breaking apart all their actions. What then happens is we focus on one small broken away part and exaggerate it's importance. This is what happens so much in relationships. This is how we fight with one another using anlaysis.

💮With synthesis we love others, all the small details and misforgivings disapparear and we accept them as they are.

💮We owe it to science the over use of analysis. As analysis is a part of the scientific method.

💮We live in a climate of analysis, everything almost everything is analysed. Any device that is smart is really something that analyses and provides us with reports of anlasyed data.

💮There are more job titles than ever with the word analyst in their title.

💮Any specialist is an analyst. All the medical specialsts are good examples. However we certaiily need them all. We can't discard analysis at all.

💮Analysis divides and division creates conflict.

💮Because we analyse things esotericism is blocked off to us.

💮If we want o break more into esotericism we need synthesis. What afterall is most important is to live because to live is of the essence the Being.

to be continued...

End (3995).

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